Services Offered

Chiropractic, Nutrition and Massage Therapy


Spinal Adjustment-- this is the process of correcting misalignments of the joints of the spine or extremity/ies.  ONLY Doctors of Chiropractic perform this type of service.  It is a very specific skill that we have trained years to perform.

Dr. Ty is a family chiropractor who uses safe and gentle techniques to restore your spinal health by removing the nerve interference that causes symptoms.  More than just neck and back pain relief...from newborns to grandmas and grandpas, Dr. Ty helps free his patients from many "common complaints".  Our multi-discipline approach provides access to nutritional support and massage therapy.  Go to our "Testimonials" page and see what types of conditions are benefited by quality chiropractic care.

Dr. Ty was a  volunteer and an assistant coach for Cedar Grove-Belgium's 5th grade "Broncos" football team.   He also volunteers as Team Doctor for the Grafton youth football team.



Dr. Ty is certified in whole food nutrition.  We can help you with many of today's dietary concerns.  Whether you want to loose weight, learn to eat healthier or are thinking of doing a purification program, we can assist you in learning and practicing healthy lifestyle habits.  We believe that everyone should have access to organic whole food and learn to shop for and prepare healthy meals.  We sell Standard Process supplements and Mediherb herbal remedies.  Ask about our symptom survey to get started.  We can help!


Massage Therapy

Tami Wade LMT     

The 15 minute massage will be your newest best friend for managing and even eliminating stress and pain!

We offer 15 minutes of trigger point therapy for $25 performed by a licensed massage therapist and usually offered before the adjustment.  These massages are quick and inexpensive while being very productive.  Because the sessions are spread out over time, it allows for the body to heal between sessions and the therapist to assess as your needs as they may change. 

We alsoWE   Call our office today to schedule an appointment!  262.284.0022